
2023年8月27日 星期日


How close can NUX TRIDENT achieve to Fractal FM3?

來聊一下NUX Trident (三叉戢)這台效果器,從外觀來看一個有10個踩釘,很明顯就是針對『現場演出』設計。

1/4" Send/Return、立體聲XLR輸出、3.5mm MIDI IN/OUT


使用頂級 A/D 和 D/A 轉換器 及 優異的類比電路元件來實現低噪音水平的清晰聲音。

“We Modeled Everything. Even the Patch Cables.”

這次TSAC-4K對比於以往MG-30的TSAC-2K以及MG-300的TSAC-HD算法,TSAC-4K算法確實相當厲害,以往MG-30跟Amp Academy低頻較少的缺點這次完全沒有,低頻部分相當飽滿,而且手感反饋也跟以往TSAC-2K一樣速度極快。
另外這次TSAC-4K更厲害的是,像PLEXI音箱有4個Input的跳線接法,直接在一款音箱就實現了,並不像市面上的音箱模擬把Normal, Jump分開來建模。 這一點算是獨步市場了!!


Trident Editor 電腦端上位機編輯軟體

編輯軟體維持NUX以往『直覺』的操作風格,且錄音USB Routing的設置還是一貫簡單好操作。

講了這麼多簡介,估計看官們早已經不耐煩這種網頁已經有的東西了。 來,上乾貨!!

Fractal FM3 vs NUX Trident | Amp Model comparison with the same IR

在這個影片中,對比的Amp Model都是使用相同的第三方IR,Amp Model我就憑自己的感覺去調整到覺得接近。(其實隨便調都很像,只是EQ的位置跟Gain的曲線不盡相同,需要花點時間去找兩台機器吻合的甜蜜點。)

More NUX Trident reviews

NUX Trident Sound | Gustavo Guerra

NUX Trident - Demo and Review: NUX did it... it's such a lovely unit! | Leo Gibson

NUX Trident test by Jimmy Lin (No Talking) with FREE custom patches

Introducing the NUX Trident – IT'S FINALLY HERE! | Joko Reantaso Artist Presets Demo



NUX Trident - Greatest Guitarists of All Time | Free Patches - Joko's GOAT Presets Pack

Modern Guitar Heroes Medley - Tim Henson, Cory Wong, Alex Hutchings, Aaron Marshall

NUX Trident - Modern Guitar Heroes | Free Patches !

Quick Operation Trick

1. Firmware Update (韌體更新):

Connect USB cable to computer, and hold UP & REVERB foot switches to turn on TRIDENT, then you can enter to DFU (Device Firmware Update) mode to do firmware update. For more details, please visit product page to check the firmware update guide and download the newest firmware & Trident™ edit software.

記得先接上USB線(機器有附可用於傳輸數據使用的USB-C線),按住 『🔼』踩釘 及 『REVERB』踩釘 後,開機。 此時機器會進入DFU(Device Firmware Update)模式。
相關的韌體以及DFU軟體,都可以在產品頁面找到並下載。 (記得下載最新的韌體以搭配網站上的Trident™ 編輯軟體使用。)

2. Preparing(前置作業):
(1)Firstly, make sure the TRIDENT and the connected amplifier (monitors or FRFR speakers) are turned off. Set the MASTER VOL to its’ minimum value. Connect your guitar to INPUT, and connect the related amplifiers (or monitors, FRFR speakers) to OUTPUT1 & OUTPUT2 or DI OUT1 & DI OUT2.
首先將TRIDENT接到音箱(這邊建議使用『監聽喇叭』或者『FRFR音箱』),並確認機器與音箱是處於關機狀態。 將MASTER VOL設為最小值。 將吉他連接到TRIDENT的『INPUT』接口,並將『OUTPUT1』與『OUTPUT2』或者『DI OUT1』與『DI OUT2』連到音箱。

(2)Connect the including adaptor ACD-006 to the DC9V jack, and press the POWER button. And turn on the related amplifiers.
將機器附的變壓器ACD-006A接到DC9V接口,並按下POWER鍵開機。 此時將連接的音箱開機。

(3)Adjust the MASTER VOL pot to the desired position. (maybe less than the 50%)
Warning!! In order to offer you the best dynamic range of USB Streaming, the TRIDENT doesn’t attenuate the PC’s system playback volume. When using the TRIDENT as a USB audio interface, remember to adjust your PC’s playback volume from the “minimum” to the desired volume. Take care of your ears. 
調節 MASTER VOL 電位器 到 想要的音量位置。 (通常會小於 50%)
注意!! 為了提供你USB音頻串流最佳動態範圍,TRIDENT並沒有衰減PC的回放音量。 當使用TRIDENT作為USB錄音介面時,記得調節PC端的回放音量從“最小值”開始放大到你想要的音量。 保護你的耳朵。

(4)Set OUTPUT MODE: Press the SELECT & PARAM encoders to enter GLOBAL SETTING, then short press the SELECT encoder to access OUTPUT MODE. Now, rotate the SELECT encoder to choose your desired output mode, then press SELECT encoder to save the output mode. (Here we will choose "STUDIO DIRECT".)
設置輸出模式: 同時按壓『SELECT』與『PARAM』編碼器 進入 『GLOBAL SETTING』,短按『SELECT』編碼器進入『OUTPUT MODE』。 現在,旋轉『SELECT』編碼器到你想要的輸出模式,然後按壓『SELECT』編碼器來儲存輸出模式。 (這邊我們選擇的是『STUDIO DIRECT』。)

*The CAB block will be engaged under STUDIO DIRECT mode, others will disengage the CAB block.
* STUDIO DIRECT offers a line signal with CAB(IR). AMP FRONT offers an instrument signal without CAB(IR). AMP REAR offers a line signal without CAB(IR).
註記: CAB 模塊在『STUDIO DIRECT』模式下會被開啟,其他模式下會關閉CAB模塊。

3. Start tweaking & playing: Once you boot-up the TRIDENT, it will be in PRESET MODE.
調節與彈奏: 開啟TRIDENT,默認進入『PRESET』模式。

(1)Press the UP / DOWN foot switch to choose the target preset group, in the meantime, the group digit (01~32) will flash. Then press either the A or B or C foot switches to choose the desired patch. (For example, 01-A)
按壓『🔼』與『🔽』踩釘來選擇目標群組(數字01~32),然後按壓 A/B/C踩釘來選擇想進入的預設。 (例如 01-A)

(2)Under PRESET MODE, you can also rotate the SELECT knob to select a patch.

(3)The TRIDENT includes 96 factory presets, and 96 user slots. Under PRESET MODE, short press the SELECT knob can call the FACTORY preset, and press the SELECT knob again to go back to the user slot. All the FACTORY presets were made by professional musicians and session players, it’s a good reference for the tone tweaking.
TRIDENT共有96組廠家預設,以及96組用戶預設。 在『PRESET』模式下,短按『SELECT』鈕可以呼叫『廠家預設』,再次短按『SELECT』鈕又回到『用戶預設』。(廠家預設,屏幕左上角會顯示FACTORY。) 所有的『廠家預設』都是由專業音樂人及演出樂手所製作,是相當好的音色調節範本。

(4)FX, BOOST, MOD, DELAY, and REVERB blocks can be engaged / disengaged by the related foot switches.
『FX』, 『BOOST』, 『MOD』, 『DELAY』, 以及『REVERB』模塊可以通過相關的踩釘來開啟/關閉。

(5)Under PRESET MODE, the DELAY block has a “Smart Tap Tempo” function. You can set the desired sub-division in DLY editing.
*Smart Tap Tempo is patent pending. Press once to engage / disengage the effect, press more than twice, and it will become TAP TEMPO immediately.
在『PRESET』模式下,『DELAY』模塊有『Smart Tap Tempo』功能。 你可以在DLY編輯下,設定想要的『SUB D.』。
註記: Smart Tap Tempo是NUX申請中的專利。 按壓DELAY踩釘一次,可以 開啟/關閉 效果,按壓兩次以上則會立即判讀為『Tap Tempo』。

(6)Under PRESET MODE, press NR, AMP, CAB, and EQ buttons to engage / disengage the related blocks.
在『PRESET』模式下,按壓 『NR』, 『AMP』, 『CAB』以及『EQ』按鍵 可以 開啟/關閉 這些相關的效果模塊。

(7)Adjust the related knobs for the target effect block, engage / disengage the blocks for your own preset. 

For deeper tone adjustments, you can press the PARAM encoder to enter EDIT MODE, in the meantime you can rotate the PARAM knob to choose a target block (which will be upper), then press the PARAM knob to enter the block. Under the related block, each page has 4 parameters, you can move to the target parameter by pressing NR / AMP / CAB / EQ buttons.
更深層的調參,可按壓『PARAM』編碼器進入『編輯模式』,此時你可以旋轉『PARAM』鈕來選擇想要的效果模塊(該模塊會浮起),按壓『PARAM』鈕進入該模塊。 在模塊編輯下,每頁的4個參數標定可以通過『NR』,『AMP』,『CAB』,『EQ』這四個按鍵來標定。

Tone Tweaking

由於TRIDENT的價位不低,小編假設購買的用戶已經對音色調整有相當概念了,這邊就不再從頭說明音色來源的概念了。 若對這部分依然感興趣的朋友,請延伸閱讀:

1. Choose the target AMP MODEL | 選擇音箱模型

創建自己的音色 | Create Your Own Patch:

(1) Choose the Amp Types: F Clean / V Drive / M Crunch / Distortion.
    選擇音箱類型: F Clean / V Drive / M Crunch / Distortion。

(2) Add "Dynamic Effects": According to the need for Overdrive or Distortion, and probably add a Noise Gate to reduce the noise.
    添加『動態效果』(Dynamic Effects):視需求選擇『過載』或『失真』,並斟酌加入Noise Gate降噪。 

(3) Use "Time-based" or "Modulation" to color the tone.

(4) For the mixing (even live with the whole band), use EQ to tweak the guitar track.

So let's check what we have in the TRIDENT.

AMP Models & IRs:

FX Block:

BOOST Block:

MOD Block:

DLY Block:

RVB Block:

2. Search the target song & guitarist's equipment | 搜索想彈奏的曲目以及該吉他手使用的器材

這裡舉的例子是Bon Jovi的You Give Love A Bad Name。
Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name - The Crush Tour Live in Zurich 2000

I like the earlier Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora, especially during the "CRUSH TOUR", he used Marshall JCM2000 DSL as the main amps.
我喜歡的是Bon Jovi早期吉他手Richie Sambora,特別在Crush Tour時期,Richie主要使用Marshall JCM200 DSL音箱。

NUX Trident Tone Tweak Tutorial | You Give Love A Bad Name

2023年8月9日 星期三

IR Loader Comparison | NUX Pulse vs TC Impulse vs Darkglass Element

IR Loader Comparison | NUX Pulse vs TC Impulse vs Darkglass Element

隨著Ampless的應用場景越來越普遍,以及Line In錄音的便利性,這年頭身為吉他手對於Amp Modeler / Profiler,以及IR Loader 等產品可說是家常便飯的話題了。
喜歡使用單顆效果器的吉他手,在擁有自己喜歡的Preamp或者Drive / Distortion效果器後,為了解決Ampless使用場景,除了選擇Stomp-box Modeler外,IR Loader就成了另一種主流選擇。

今天就讓我們來聊聊市面上三款IR Loader產品,以及我測試後的使用心得吧。


IR Loader Comparison | NUX Pulse vs DARKGLASS Element vs TC Pulse

1. Darkglass Element

因為 (1)沒有Footswitch可以針對現場演出使用。 (2)輸出為兩個3.5mm PHONES OUT,並非樂器常用的1/4" (6.35mm)接口。

Element的設計比較偏向 (1)帶有IR Loader的錄音介面 (2)兩個獨立輸出的耳機接口,方便樂團樂手便攜錄音時,一起監聽使用。 (3)編輯軟體帶有Amp Sim。

將Element接上電腦的USB口後,Darkglass Suite編輯軟體針對Element提供Noise Gate、Amp、Cab(Impulse Response)、EQ等4個效果模塊。 當然你可以將Gate、Amp、EQ等模塊給關閉,只使用IR。

拆解後,Element使用的主DSP是 NXP RT1021,運算力為 400MHz,算是很強的平台了。
原本推估IR的實時運算解析度應該可以跑到1024點,但實測對比後,估計是512點。 因為其低頻的動態反應不如NUX Pulse。


2. TC Impulse

TC這款Impulse有幾個賣點,原廠搭配Celestion的IR,算是找了名牌IR做背書。 體積小,操作簡單直覺,帶有一個bit風格的螢幕,檔案名稱一目瞭然。
但我覺得比較可惜的是:(1)沒有耳機輸出口可以做靜音練習。 (2)不支持USB Audio Stream,所以不能當錄音介面。

TC Impulse採用的主芯片是ST的STM32F732,運算力為216MHz。 所以注定了IR實時運算力只能到512點了。 而實測下來也確實是如此,聲音的清晰度以及低頻張力,略遜NUX Pulse的1024點。

3. NUX Pulse

NUX Pulse這款minii Pedal的特色就是體積小,操作簡單直覺,所見即所得。 分EG Cab、Bass Cab、AG IR等三種模式,這三種模式個有8個default IR檔。 現場操作除了LEVEL以外,有個Space的旋鈕設計來調整現場的空間感,且可以透過長按踩釘來 開/關 Space,算是相當貼心。
另外側邊有3.5mm耳機輸出支持『靜音練習』。 IR實時運算力解析度達1024點。 USB支持錄音介面功能。


拆解後,使用的DSP是NXP RT1061,運算力可達600MHz,是這三款產品中,運算力最強的平台。 確實可以將IR實時運算跑到1024點。

NUX Pulse (NSS-4) IR Loader Review



2023年7月27日 星期四

Mighty Powerhouse | NUX MIGHTY LITE BT MKII

Mighty Powerhouse | NUX MIGHTY LITE BT MKII


During the pandemic, quarantine and remote offices allowed people to spend more time at home and also allowed guitarists to spend more time practicing. Since urbanites live in apartments, desktop speakers have gradually become mainstream practice amplifiers.

今天讓我們來聊聊 小瓦數桌上型音箱 NUX MIGHTY LITE BT MKII

Today let's talk about the small-wattage desktop amplifier NUX MIGHTY LITE BT MKII.

Portable Desktop Modeling Amp with IRs.

關於IR的詳細介紹,不熟悉的朋友可以參考這裡 ➫ 

The feature of this amp, which is different from other desktop small-wattage speakers, is IR.
For a detailed introduction to IR, friends who are not familiar with it can refer to here ➫
Amp Modeling & IR

MKII 跟上一代對比,主要更新了 Amp Modeling (TSAC-HD算法)跟 IR。
IR的部分包含了 (1)電吉他Cab IR , (2)電貝斯Cab IR , (3)木吉他線圈拾音器IR 。
而且還可以讓用戶通過Mighty Editor™電腦端編輯軟體load第三方IR檔。

Compared with the previous generation, MKII mainly updated Amp Modeling (TSAC-HD algorithm) and IR.
The IR part includes (1) Electric Guitar Cab IR, (2) Electric Bass Cab IR, (3) Acoustic Guitar Magnetic Pickup IR.
And it also allows users to load third-party IR files through the Mighty Editor™ computer editing software.
(The factory defaults to 34 slots, and the user slots total 20.)

NUX Mighty Lite BT MKII test by Jimmy Lin (No Talking)

I/O and other features.

3" 喇叭搭配低音反射孔
9V外正內負供電(附變壓器)或 6 x AA 電池
USB Audio
Phones Out & AUX In

3" Speaker with Bass Port Tube
9V DC/Battery( 6 x AA)  120mA (Adaptor included)
USB Audio
Phones Out & AUX In
Drum Machine
Bluetooth Audio
Bluetooth MIDI (APP)

Bluetooth Audio Setup 

將支持藍牙的移動設備連接至 MIGHTY LITE BT MKII 的藍牙音頻時,BLUETOOTH 指示燈將呈“藍色”亮起。(如果未連接,BLUETOOTH 指示燈將閃爍“藍色”。)

When connecting a Bluetooth enabled mobile device to the MIGHTY LITE BT MKII’s Bluetooth audio, the BLUETOOTH indicator will turn on “Blue”. 
(If not connected, the BLUETOOTH indicator will flash “Blue”.)

操作:您可以在手機“設定”中連接藍牙音頻,通過MIGHTY LITE BT MKII播放音頻。 點擊手機上的“設定”。 進入“藍牙”,選擇“NUX NGA-3BT”,當您連接MIGHTY LITE BT MKII的藍牙音頻時,您會聽到連接聲音。

Operation: You can connect Bluetooth Audio from “Settings” on the mobile phone to play audio through the MIGHTY LITE BT MKII. Click “Settings” on the mobile phone. Enter “Bluetooth”, and choose “NUX NGA-3BT”, while you connect MIGHTY LITE BT MKII’s Bluetooth audio, you will hear a connection sound.

如果您想斷開 MIGHTY LITE BT MKII 的連接,只需按住 PRESET 按鈕/指示燈即可斷開連接。 然後您可以手動連接到 MIGHTY LITE BT MKII。

If you wish to disconnect the MIGHTY LITE BT MKII, just press and hold the PRESET button/indicator to disconnect. Then you can connect to MIGHTY LITE BT MKII manually.

Bluetooth MIDI (APP) Setup

操作:在手機上啟動MightyAmp™ APP,按“設置”選擇“當前設備”為“MIGHTY LITE BT MKII”,然後“單擊掃描設備”。 該APP將找到“MIGHTY LITE BT MKII”。 現在選擇它,APP將與設備連接。

Operation: Launch the MightyAmp™ APP on your mobile phone, and press “Settings” to choose “Current Amp” as “MIGHTY LITE BT MKII”, then “Click to Scan Devices”. The APP will find “MIGHTY LITE BT MKII”. Now select it, and the APP will connect with the device.

注意:該APP使用藍牙 MIDI 與設備通信。

NOTE: The APP uses Bluetooth MIDI to communicate with the device.

注意:對於 Android 操作系統,您可能需要打開 GPS 權限。
隱私說明:請注意,我們不會使用您的任何 GPS 數據。 Android 要求所有掃描藍牙設備的移動應用程序都必須在清單文件中請求權限。 需要此 LOCATION 權限,因為可以通過查看附近的 BTLE 設備來猜測 Android 設備的位置。 請參閱 Android 開發者以獲取更多信息。

NOTE: For Android OS, you may need to turn on GPS permission.
PRIVACY NOTE: Please note that we do not use any of your GPS data. It is required by Android that all mobile applications that scan for Bluetooth devices must request permission in the manifest file. This LOCATION permission is required because it may be possible to guess the location of an Android device by seeing which BTLE devices are nearby. Please refer to Android Developer for more information.

Mighty Lite BT MKⅡ | 山口和也

Tone Tweaking | 音色調整

關於Modeling Amp,跟Modeler一樣,調整音色的第一步:
請bypass所有的效果模塊,設定乾信號的音量達到你想要的程度。 (將Patch Level推子從最小刻度開始調整到你覺得音量足夠大且不會傷害你的耳朵、舒服為準。)在Mighty Light BT MKII上,我通常將Patch Level設為『0』。

For the Modeling Amp, same as modelers, in the 1st step for "TONE TWEAKING": 
Please bypass all the effect blocks, and set the dry signal volume as you want. (Tweak the Patch Level slider from minimum to the desired comfortable volume so that you feel it loud enough and it won't hurt your ears.) On the Mighty Light BT MKII, I usually set the Patch Level to "0".
Then start to add the blocks like AMP, IR, dynamic effect, ...etc.

我第一個會添加的效果模塊是AMP(與此同時,我會加入對應的“箱體 IR”),所以一開始我必須決定在這個Preset中,我想要的音箱類別。
讓我們來對音箱做個分類吧: 清音 (Fender Clean), 過載邊緣 (Vox Drive), 英式過載 (Marshall Crunch), 失真 (Modern Distortion)。
簡稱為 F / V / M / Modern Dist。

The first block I will add is AMP (add the related “CAB / IR” at the same time), so in the beginning, I have to decide the Amp Category I want for the Preset. 
Let's classify the amps as Cleanish (Fender Clean), Edge-of-Breakup (VOX Drive), British-Crunch (Marshall Crunch), and Lead-Distortion (Modern Distortion).
We can simply call them F / V / M / Modern Dist.

在Mighty Lite BT MKII裡面,清音類型的音箱有 Roland JC-120, Fender Deluxe Reverb,以及Fender Super Reverb。
我喜歡的清音音箱模型為SUPER RVB。

In the Mighty Lite BT MKII, the cleanish amps are Roland JC-120, Fender Deluxe Reverb, and Fender Super Reverb.
My favorite clean amp is SUPER RVB.

過載邊緣的音箱有: Fender Bassman, Fender Tweed Deluxe, HIWATT DR103, Mesa Boogie Mark I, VOX AC30, Dr. Z MAZ 38。

The Edge-of-Breakup amps are Fender Bassman, Fender Tweed Deluxe, HIWATT DR103, Mesa Boogie Mark I, VOX AC30, and Dr. Z MAZ 38.

英式過載音箱有: Marshall Super 1959, Marshall JTM45, Marshall JCM 800, Marshall 1987X。

The British-Crunch amps are Marshall Super 1959, Marshall JTM45, Marshall JCM 800, and Marshall 1987X.

失真音箱有:Soldano SLO100, Friedman BE100, Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier, Diezel VH4。

The Lead-Distortion amps are Soldano SLO100, Friedman BE100, Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier, and Diezel VH4.

*All of the brand and model names mentioned on this page are Trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with NUX Effects and Cherub Technology CO. LTD.

將音箱模型的EQ調平,再將音箱模型的 GAIN 與 LEVEL 調平與 乾信號音量相當。 
進行EQ的細調節,依序調節BASS(低頻), MID(中頻), TREBLE(高頻), PRESENCE(臨場度,也可稱為超高頻)。
調節低頻時,我會彈奏第五弦及第六弦空弦音,並將BASS旋鈕從最小值開始轉大直到低頻臨界點。 與此同時,你會聽到低頻忽然衝出來,這就是臨界點。
同樣的方式調節中頻。 調節中頻時,我會彈奏第三弦及第四弦空弦音,並將MID旋鈕從最小值開始轉大直到中頻臨界點。 與此同時,你會聽到中頻忽然衝出來。
同樣的方式調節高頻。 調節高頻時,我會彈奏第一弦及第二弦空弦音,並將TREBLE旋鈕從最小值開始轉大直到高頻臨界點。 與此同時,你會聽到高頻忽然衝出來。
同樣的方式調節臨場度。 調節臨場度時,我會彈奏第一弦及第二弦空弦音,並將PRESENCE旋鈕從最小值開始轉大直到臨場度臨界點。 與此同時,你會聽到臨場度超高頻忽然衝出來。


After I chose the amp model, what I will do:
Set the EQ flat, then adjust the GAIN and LEVEL as balanced as the flat dry signal.
Dig the EQ according to BASS, MID, TREBLE, and PRESENCE. 
While I dig the bass, I will play the 5th & 6th open strings and tweak the BASS knob from minimum to the BASS critical point. In the meantime, you will hear the BASS frequency volume increase quickly. 
Same as the MID, I will play the 3rd & 4th open strings and tweak the MID knob from minimum to the MIDDLE critical point. In the meantime, you will hear the MIDDLE frequency volume increase quickly. 
Same as the TREBLE, I will play the 1st & 2nd open strings and tweak the TREBLE knob from minimum to the TREBLE critical point. In the meantime, you will hear the TREBLE frequency volume increase quickly. 
Same as the PRESENCE, I will play the 1st & 2nd open strings and tweak the PRESENCE knob from minimum to the PRESENCE critical point. In the meantime, you will hear the PRESENCE volume increase quickly.
*NOTE: The VOX-style amp uses a CUT knob, I will tweak it counterclockwise.

Then I will adjust the GAIN and LEVEL again, and find the sweet spot for the AMP model.
In the last step, choose the CAB IR.

Dynamic effects: Pre-efx, Cmp (Gate in case.) | 動態效果: 前級過載、壓縮 (必要時加入『降噪』)

依據需求,我會在『清音音箱模型』加入Compressor(壓縮)效果;在『過載邊緣音箱』或『英式過載音箱』加入Overdrive(過載)效果。 有時候在『失真音箱』加入Compressor(壓縮)可以增加高把位音符的增益。
如果增益太多伴隨著噪聲,那麼適當加入Noise Gate(降噪)。

Depending on the need, I will add a compressor for the cleanish amp, an overdrive pedal for the Edge-of-Breakup amp even the British-Crunch amp. Sometimes you can add a compressor for the Lead-Distortion amp to enhance the gain of high-position notes.
If there is too much gain with noise, add "Noise Gate" just in case.

Time-based or Modulation | 時間系或調變效果

這裡我列舉了我常用的MOD模型。 以Chorus來說,我經常加入到『清音音箱』來彈奏流行曲的分解和弦伴奏。 至於Phaser或Tremolo,我喜歡放到『英式過載音箱』之前,讓他聽起來更肥或者更有立體感。

Here I listed the MOD models I use mostly. For the Chorus, I usually add it to a cleanish amp model and play the arpeggios for pop accompaniment. For Phaser and Tremolo, I would like to put it before the British-Crunch amp to make it sound fatter or stereo-like.

Delay(延遲)效果,有好幾種類型,針對延遲的音色與時長來使用是一種進階的技巧,這裡我不會去談論。 如果你對這個話題感興趣的話,請參考我之前的文章:
延遲效果|Delay Category
延遲時長應用 | Delay Time

通常我會在solo的部分加入Delay(延遲)效果。 如果我想要聲音更有空間感,我會加入Reverb(混響)。 而對於Reverb(混響)效果來說也是一樣的,針對混響的音色與decay(衰減)來使用是一種進階的技巧,這裡我不會去談論。 如果你對這個話題感興趣的話,請參考我之前的文章:
創建你的三維音色 | Build Your Sound in 3 Dimensions

Delays, there are various types, and it's an advanced skill to use delays related to the sound characteristics and delay time. I won't talk about it here, if you are interested in this topic, please visit my previous posts:
延遲效果|Delay Category
延遲時長應用 | Delay Time

Usually, I add the delay for the solo part. If I want the sound has more room or space, I will add reverb to it. Same as Reverb, it's also an advanced skill to use the reverbs related to the sound characteristics and decay time. I won't talk about it here, if you are interested in this topic, please visit my previous post:
創建你的三維音色 | Build Your Sound in 3 Dimensions

最後一步: 調平Preset的音量。
Mghty Lite BT MKII提供了Patch Level 推子,你可以通過他來調整Preset的整體音量。

The final step: Re-Level the Preset.
In the Mighty Lite BT MKII, you can adjust the overall Preset volume through the Patch Level slider. Actually, I don't use it, if you follow the TONE TWEAKING steps correctly, you won't need it. For me, it's just in case.

Bon Jovi - Always - Electric Guitar Cover by Kfir Ochaion - NUX Mighty Lite BT MKII

Recording | 錄音

到『系統偏好設定』去設置『聲音』。 將NUX NGA-3BT設為『輸入』及『輸出』裝置。

Go to System Preferences to set up the Sound. Choose NUX NGA-3BT as Input & Output.

開啟DAW(這裡示範的是Logic Pro),並到Preferences設定Audio的 I/O Buffer Size為 128 Samples。

Open the DAW (Logic Pro), and go to Preferences to set up I/O Buffer Size as 128 Samples.

利用Logic Pro內建的Drummer Track來製作鼓音軌,這時候就可以錄製貝斯啦。
Logic Pro很適合像我這種對MIDI不熟悉的人,因為只需要打開鼓手音軌,挑選喜愛的曲風,挑選鼓具,聽一下節奏並調適一下就可以開始錄製了。

Open Logic Pro's Drummer Track to make the drum track, then you can record the bass.
Logic Pro is very friendly to me, I am not familiar with MIDI. I just open the Drummer Track, choose the style, drum kits, and listen to the track to tweak. Then I can start recording.


So I start to record "Bass", "Rythm Guitar", and "Solo Track".

錄音時,你可以通過 Mighty Editor™ 編輯軟體來設置USB Routing,一般我們會選擇『Normal』,也就是『錄製你所聽到的聲音』。

For recording, you can set up the USB Routing through Mighty Editor™ editor (PC/MAC). Regularly we will choose "Normal" to record "What you heard" onto DAW.

如果你要『Reamp』的話,那首先你要先錄製『Dry Signal』到DAW裡,所以先在USB Routing設置為『Dry Out』,這時候你聽到的是『Processed Signal』,可是錄製上去的是『Dry Signal』。

If you want to "Reamp", firstly you have to record "Dry Signal" onto DAW. So set up USB Routing as "Dry Out", then what you heard is "Processed Signal", but what is recorded onto DAW is "Dry Signal".

此時就可以利用錄製好的『Dry Track』來操作『Reamp』了。 先到Mighty Editor™ 編輯軟體來設置USB Routing為『Reamp』。

Now you can use the "Dry Track" to operate "Reamp". Go to Mighty Editor™ editor to set up USB Routing as "Reamp".

在DAW裡,將剛剛錄製的『Dry Track』設為『Solo播放』,在等等錄音時就只會播放該音軌,其他音軌將會Mute。 這時候就可以錄製『Reamp音軌』了。 (我在DAW裡標示為WET1)

Set up the "Dry" track as "Solo Playing" in the DAW, then while you record, the DAW will only play the "Dry" track, others will be mute. Then you can record the "Reamp" track. (I named the "Reamp" track as "WET1".)

註記: MIGHTY LITE BT MKII的『Loopback』可以將電腦端播放的背景一起錄製起來,但是不包含『AUX IN』及『藍牙音頻』。

Note: The "Loopback" USB Routing in MIGHTY LITE BT MKII can record the playback from PC/MAC, but not includes "AUX IN" & "Bluetooth Audio".

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