
2021年6月27日 星期日

NUX MG-30 Secret Tips (FW: v2.3) 秘技教學(韌體: v2.3)

在2021年3月發表的NUX MG-30,一上市就引爆話題,堪稱萬元台幣以內最強綜效。

The NUX MG-30, which was released in March 2021, ignited the topic as soon as it went on the market. It can be regarded as the best multi-effect (modeler) under USD $300 (without TAX).


And the first firmware update was released in June. This update has many powerful features, so let's check it.


You can recall the default patch by press & hold KNOB4.

這次還有新增效果,音箱的部分有DGLASS、STARLIFT這兩個貝斯音箱,RVB則新增了DAMP(原型為Neunaber WET),MOD新增了SCH-1(原型為ARION SCH-1 Stereo Chorus),EFX新增了NUX STEEL SINGER。

Some new effect models. 

按壓效果器模塊可進行切換:CMP->EFX , EFX->MOD , MOD->EFX

Holding block to switch: CMP->EFX , EFX->MOD , MOD->EFX

而我覺得最好用的就屬『QUICK SCENE』快速場景切換功能。
有別於其他品牌的場景設計,NUX只使用一個CTRL踩釘即可依序快速切換S1 / S2 /S3 三個場景。 每個場景都可以自己定義BLOCK的開關狀態,如此一來一鍵即可開關多個模塊,且可以實現DELAY跟REVERB效果的尾音保留。

And I think the best part is the "QUICK SCENE" ~ scene switching function.
Different from the scene design of other brands, NUX only uses one CTRL footswitch to quickly switch the three scenes of S1 / S2 /S3 in sequence. Each scene can define the engagement of BLOCK by itself so that multiple blocks can be switched on and off with one footswitch, and keep DELAY & REVERB trails.

LOOP樂句循環,則新增了AUTO RECORDING模式,當你按壓LOOP踩釘後並不會直接錄音,而是等待著你開始彈奏後才開始錄音。 如此一來,當你把MG-30放在桌上使用時,也可以享受LOOP的樂趣。


Phrase loop, the new AUTO RECORDING mode is added, when you press the LOOP footswitch, it will not record directly, but wait for you to start recording while you start playing. In this way, when you put MG-30 on the table, you can also enjoy the fun of LOOP.

For the drum machine, EQ adjustments have been added this time to make the drum and Loop more coordinated.

另外,這次的QuickTone™編輯軟體新增了IR Collections,我覺得對於經常使用第三方IR的用戶來說是很貼心的設計。 可以將自己常用的20組IR放在IR Collections,直接點選load進去聽,非常有效率。

IR Collection folder offers you 20 IR slots for quick loading. 


在Normal模式下,你可以勾選『Loopback』,如此一來就可以將電腦端系統播放的音頻也一起錄製進去。 這對於開直播彈吉他來說就很方便了,也就是你用電腦播放的音樂可以一起stream上去。

In Normal mode, you can choose "Loopback", so you can also record the audio playbacks by the computer. This is very convenient for playing guitar live stream, that is, the music on your computer can be streamed together.

在Loopback模式下,MG-30的鼓機與樂句循環可以被錄製。 也就是說,你開直播的時候,也可以利用Drum & Loop來做演示了。

In Loopback mode, the MG-30's drum machine and phrase loop can be recorded. In other words, you can also use Drum & Loop to do presentations when you do live stream.

在Dry Out模式下(預設錄製乾信號為 Input 1/2),可以選擇同步錄製『濕信號』(有經過MG-30效果)到 Input 3/4。 在DAW新增音軌時,選擇 Input 3/4 即可將『濕信號』錄製在這一軌。

For Dry Out, now you can also record a WET track with Input 3/4. Besides Input 1/2 for the Dry signal track, add a new track for Input 3/4, then you can record Dry & Wet tracks at the same time.

之前MG-300的Re-Amp是在 Output 1/2下進行的,所以需要在DAW中,將其他音軌Mute掉,只播放『乾信號』軌。 
這次MG-30新版本提供了 Input 1/2 - Output 3/4,也就是你可以在DAW中,將『乾信號』軌設定為 Output 3/4來播放。 這樣一來其他音軌還是維持本來的 Output 1/2進行播放,因此你不用將其他音軌Mute了,可以跟著所有伴奏一起播放來進行『Re-Amp』,這樣可以更有效率的來選擇音色效果。

After recording "dry signal", you can start "Re-Amp".
Previously, Re-Amp of MG-300 was performed under output 1/2, so it is necessary to mute other audio tracks in DAW, and only play the "dry signal" track.
This new version of MG-30 provides input 1/2-output 3/4, that is, you can set the "dry signal" track to output 3/4 in DAW to play so that other audio tracks are still the original ones. (Output 1/2) 
The output 1/2 is played, so you don’t need to mute other tracks, you can play with all the accompaniment to perform "Re-Amp", so you can select the sound effect more efficiently.

以上就是針對這次NUX MG-30韌體更新的秘技教學分享,喜歡的朋友請別吝嗇訂閱我們的YT頻道、按讚Monk Custom粉絲專頁
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